Three Ways I would describe My Practice.

Hi Readers, I wanted to share more about my own personal practice. I thought I would share three ways I would describe my practice and why. My Practice is Natural. I describe my practice as natural not just because I incorporate elements of nature within it like stones or herbs. I describe it this way… Continue reading Three Ways I would describe My Practice.

How Meditating more frequently has improved my life and personal practice

Hi Readers, During the past few months, I have made a considerable effort to meditate more frequently. I do not meditate just because I practice magick, I believe meditation can help regardless of whether you practice Witchcraft or not. Meditation can help you relax and reduce stress. However, I thought I would share how I… Continue reading How Meditating more frequently has improved my life and personal practice

Magickal Records Series: Grimoires and Final Thoughts

Hi Readers, This is the final part of my magickal records series., I will be discussing Grimoires in terms of what they are, along with how to create, organize, and store one. Additionally, I have some final thoughts concerning the different books I have mentioned and how you can consider which book to use If… Continue reading Magickal Records Series: Grimoires and Final Thoughts

Color Magick part 2: Using colors in Magick

Hi Readers, This is a continuation of a two-part discussion on color magick. If you have yet to see part one, I would suggest you do so.  You can read it here In that discussion, I talked about how I physically see color. Further, I discussed ways I have worked with colors within magick. For… Continue reading Color Magick part 2: Using colors in Magick

Color magick part 1: My physical perception and thoughts on Color

Hi Readers, Throughout the past few months I have been working with colors in my magical practice. Usually when I work magic color does play a role in some form either from choosing a specific colored candle, crystal, altar cloth, or If I choose to wear something specific to the intention of the spell. However,… Continue reading Color magick part 1: My physical perception and thoughts on Color

Finding Nature while living in a city as a Blind Witch

Hi Readers, As part of my practice I make a point to spend time outside as much as possible. The frequency of which may vary from day to day based on what is happening in my life. Furthermore, I like a lot of people live in a city. Additionally, I do not have the ability… Continue reading Finding Nature while living in a city as a Blind Witch

Musings on writing and spellcrafting

Hi Readers, Over the past few weeks I have been contemplating various aspects of writing within several forms. I have been contemplating writing in terms of regular things I need to accomplish such as emails, writing messages, and during spellcrafting. Further, I do not consider myself to be a good writer, primarily because I tend… Continue reading Musings on writing and spellcrafting