Why I do not Cast love spells.

Hi Readers,

Happy Valentine’s day for those who are celebrating. In honor of this day being Valentine’s day and a Friday, which is associated with love I thought I would present my views on why I do not cast love spells. More specifically, why I do not cast love spells for any type of romantic relationship.

 The following are just my views and opinion on the subject. I’m not an expert.

Before we delve into the subject of love spells, I think we must look at what most people think of when they think of love. A lot of people think of romantic relationships and being in love. This is not the only aspect of love we have relationships with various other people like friends and family. These are just as important as being in a romantic relationship. You can do spells to improve those relationships. Most importantly I believe we should have a good relationship with ourselves before we attempt to have a relationship with another person romantic or otherwise. You must love and accept yourself for who you are before involving yourself with anyone. Not in a selfish way, but in the sense of feeling secure within yourself, your values, and having good self-esteem along with self-worth which is important in any relationship. Further, you must know yourself and what you want in any relationship. Obviously, our relationships with our friends and family will be different than with a romantic partner regardless of gender/identity. People will be who they are. Moreover, If you are not secure in yourself or in your relationships with any friends when you are questioning whether or not the people in your life are around you for you, then I would consider looking at yourself. How can you improve this? These types of concerns can happen in a romantic relationship which could cause issues later. All of this said, I do not cast spells for love for two main reasons.

  1. I look for an opportunity not a person

A lot of people get into the ethics of love spells such as making sure you do not cast a spell to manipulate someone. Then, you will see or hear a lot of reasons why like free will, possibly some thoughts about karma or the threefold law. I will not tell any Witch how to work magick or what to believe as they need to figure it out for themselves. However, I do think you should consider ethics. When I consider casting a love spell, I consider how I could work magick to bring an opportunity to meet someone. For example, maybe I meet through a mutual friend or a gathering. Then, I would focus on working magick that focuses on aspects I look for that are compatible to myself. I focus on qualities, values, beliefs, and other things I look in a person. So, when the opportunity presents itself, I may meet someone.

  • You should consider working on yourself and defining what love is.

I mentioned above how I believe it is important to have a good relationship with oneself before trying to find anyone. This is not to say that you should not cast a spell to find a romantic partner, but you should also figure out what that means for you. Do not focus on a specific person, but what you look for in someone based on what you know about yourself and what qualities you would want. Also, defining what love means for you is important. Understanding what love in a romantic sense for yourself helps you understand what you expect in that type of relationship. Most importantly, by understanding and knowing ourselves in addition to what love is to ourselves instead of what other people think love is we learn what we are looking for. Always do the physical stuff in the mundane world before doing any magick. Consider how casting a spell for love may affect you and anyone else.

Many Blessings!!

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