How I explain my personal path, and practice to others.

Hi Readers,

I get a lot of people who ask me questions about my personal path and practice. I thought I would share how I explain it to others.

Usually, I will explain depending on who I am talking to and how well I know the person. If it is a new person and they ask what I believe I will say I am Pagan. If they ask further questions I will explain in more detail. I will explain how my beliefs align with having a deep respect and focus on nature, how I believe in multiple Gods, a belief in reincarnation though this is not exclusively to Paganism, among other beliefs. I try to keep it brief and straightforward unless I am asked further questions, in addition to explaining that Paganism means different things to different people. If it is a family member, I might go into more detail depending on how they approach the situation. I do not immediately tell people I am A Witch. I am not trying to deny, nor hide who I am, I think people should get to know me as a person. I am not afraid to identify as Witch, If I do, I usually will explain what that means for me personally. In addition, I will base my decision on where I am. Not everyone can safely come out as a witch.

Another way I will try to clarify my personal path and practice to other people is by finding some form of common ground. Even though it is difficult. I believe all religions have some grain of truth in them, some overlapping theme or concept that they all share. I will explain it base the conversation on such theme or concept. For instance, a belief in Deity in some form. No matter how they label it a belief in the Divine in some fashion is present. Also, even If no belief in Deity is not present, a common ground will emerge. I have had conversations with all kinds of people about the subject.

Most importantly, when I explain what I believe and practice to other people I do my best to keep the language neutral If you will. I do not talk about a belief and practice of magick, I do not talk about ritual in any detail, nor do I talk about concepts within the same way as I would with others. Again, tis is based on the specific situation. For example, when I was asked how I worshipped by someone, I asked what they meant as this can mean different things to different people. Also, I am mindful of the culture of the person in question as this can play a role. Different cultures have different meanings for different things, and I think it is important to keep in mind. Furthermore, when I mentioned keeping the language neutral and not going into detail, I simply don’t make things complicated for people. If I am having a discussion with someone in detail, I might talk about my belief in deity, how I have come to experience it, in addition to how nature is part of my practice. Another thing to consider is having a personal path in this context, meaning what it means for me to be a Pagan, A witch, and a practice are different. You can practice Witchcraft without it being religious, but it is still a practice. Along those same lines your practice of witchcraft can also be religious for you depending on what you practice along with your background. For me, it is both. However, I like to make a distinction when talking to people. I believe my personal path is what I choose to follow and how I practice my specific Craft that I have cultivated and built over the years is my own. How I cast spells, work with spirits in specific to me, what I believe is different.

These are just some of the things I choose to do when explaining my personal path and practice to others. Everyone is different but I though I would share my own opinion.

Many Blessings!!

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