Color Magick part 2: Using colors in Magick

Hi Readers,

This is a continuation of a two-part discussion on color magick. If you have yet to see part one, I would suggest you do so.  You can read it here

In that discussion, I talked about how I physically see color. Further, I discussed ways I have worked with colors within magick. For example, choosing a specific colored candle or crystal for a spell. However, I have used colors in relation to magick in other ways. For instance, I was working on a prosperity spell with limited materials. I had nothing in green which I personally associate with money and growth not just because I saw it somewhere. Every Witch will have other uses for that color and any item they choose. I decided to use colors I did have like red and orange. I realize that people will disagree with me on the color choice. I use what I have available. Moreover, ultimately, I start the process of deciding what colors and components to use by reviewing the spell itself. In the case of my prosperity spell I was keeping it simple as I knew I did not have enough time that day. I crafted carefully so that it would work with what I had. In addition, I made certain my timing was correct using divination.

I have also used white in place of any other color after first working with the color white in other spells. For example, I personally view white as something to use as a cleansing which I found out by reading about it in a book, then testing it out with a cleansing spell I performed. So, after using it for that purpose I added it to the prosperity spell.

Other ways I have used color in correlation with magick include choosing foods in particular colors for something I either am consuming or creating, drinks like coffee with the intention of given me energy adding ingredients that help with keeping my energy levels up while also working with the coffee itself.

I have used colors when casting spells related to my health as well. When I was in the hospital, I worked with gowns I was given to wear. I realize this seems strange because its not something I have made or anything. However, I made sure I wore it with the intention of comfort and healing.  Anytime I was given medications I would visualize the specific area of my body I was trying to heal. If you are wondering what that has to do with color some of those medications come in different colors from what I have understood. Again, this has been my own personal experience.

These are not the only ways you can use colors. As part of my process I go back to the spell in question. I focus on what I am trying to accomplish then look at correspondences to see If anything matches those associations like green for money. Then, I look at my own associations. I draw on my own experiences while using that color in relation to the spell. If I do not have that color, I will use a different one If it relates to the intent of the spell or use white. This is the way I learned how to work with anything related to magick since I first started. Use what works for you. If you are curious you could experiment with a color that you have not tried or If you find yourself without a color. If it doesn’t work at that point, try with a different spell. I would start with the spell first to see If what you are trying to use relates. Finally, if you are part of a specific tradition then use those specific colors.

I discuss more within the video below:

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Many Blessings!!

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