Color magick part 1: My physical perception and thoughts on Color

Hi Readers,

Throughout the past few months I have been working with colors in my magical practice. Usually when I work magic color does play a role in some form either from choosing a specific colored candle, crystal, altar cloth, or If I choose to wear something specific to the intention of the spell. However, I have been using color in a variety of ways than just choosing spell materials. This is part one as a two-part discussion. As I began to write this, I found myself delving into topics that could be expanded on.

Before I get into more details regarding this, I would like to explain how I perceive color. This is a little complicated to explain because I can’t see it entirely. When I look at something, I see contrast so when I am choosing something to war for example, I might see that it is a light or dark colored shirt however it is dependent on the ambient lighting in the room. Other factors such as If the object in question has multiple colors can also play a role in addition to other factors related to how my vision works.

This does not mean that I do not care about the colors I choose. I am specific about the colors I pick even though I have a limited extent in perception of them. Furthermore, I believe that sight is not required in order to understand and perceive color. This is just my opinion. In my opinion color is like anything else and has an energetic component to it. Moreover, if color has its own energetic component then I believe it can be perceived without sight. If everything vibrates at its own frequency, then I do not see why color cannot be perceived with other senses. Again, this has just been my experience. I have perceived color in different ways through touch, however I believe that regardless of having limited vision is not the reason. Once, I was given a crystal it was a raw point and was asked to identify it. I focused on the actual energy of the crystal before I answered what it is. The crystal in question was quartz. This has happened with other objects like clothing, tumbled stones, plants, and other objects. I realize that not everyone will agree with this and that’s fine. I am simply sharing my experience.

In part 2 of this discussion, I will be going into more detail on how I work with color in relation to magic.

I discuss more within the video below:

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Many Blessings!!

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