Why I question everything.

Hi Readers,

In the last few months I have been questioning a lot of everything. Not just in realm of my beliefs, practice, or who I am. I have always asked why and questioned everything I have ever read, heard, and what I know. Nothing has ever stayed constant except for core things like how I identify, as Witch, Pagan, female, etc. However, I have been questioning where I am going in general, what should I do next, in addition to what I need to do.

This is both frustrating and useful. In questioning all these things in these last few months, I reaffirmed beliefs and learned knew things about what that means for me. Also, I learned what I expect of other people and who I want in my life. Some people are leaving, and others are coming back. I knew all these matters before I just questioned whether it was serving in my life right now. I questioned whether the people in my life are helping me grow as a person or not. I questioned If what I believed was still relevant to my life. After reflecting and meditation I concluded that the beliefs were still relevant. The people I was calling into question, I learned who was present, providing a fulfilling relationship, and who was not.

If you are reading this wondering what this has to do with anything else that I have discussed previously. Everything is connected. If you read a book that tells you requires a specific color candle, set of herbs, in addition to other items for a money spell. However, you do it, but nothing happens even though you did the mundane work. Do you consider why the spell is written that way? How does the intent of the spell relate to your own? Does it feel right for you? Does it align with your Will? Do you know why that specific color candle and herbs need to be used? What If they do not explain why? What about the timing of the spell?  If you don’t question these things and just follow it what’s the point. How does that help you learn? This is not to say that you should not use spells from books, I am simply asking you to question what you are reading and to critically think.   Questioning oneself and what you consume either online or in a book is a good thing. I question everything I learn from. I question where I am going and where I have been. I question If I am right about the path I walk. Questioning allows us to reflect, grow, and learn about ourselves. If we do not question, we will just stagnate. I write this in order to assist others consider where they are, and to help them consider what they are doing for them to feel informed and empowered to make the decisions that relate to life as a whole and what they may practice. I write they because I don’t know who is reading and I believe inclusion is important.

Many Blessings!!

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