Using Amethyst as an aid to help you connect with your intuition

HI Readers,

Lately I have been working a lot with my intuition. I believe intuition is something everyone possesses in one way or another. Due to societal pressures and other influences intuition is often ignored. For example, knowing you should have gone a different direction or having a bad feeling about someone you just met. What about the bad vibe of a place you have visited? These are all ways are intuition speaks. Intuitive messages can come in several forms.

One of the objects I use to help me get in touch with my intuition more in addition to meditating on my intuition specifically and paying attention to how its manifests is the use of crystals. I use amethyst. Amethyst is one of my favorites for this in addition to other crystals. Moreover, I enjoy using it because it is good at keeping me calm during times of stress and anxiety.

In terms of helping me connect to my intuition more I have used amethyst as part of my meditations by holding it in my hand while meditating on intuition, what it means, and how it manifests for me. For me, one of the ways is through feelings and sometimes emotions. This can vary. Moreover, I will focus on the energetic connection between my energy and the energy of the amethyst. This can be subtle so it can be hard to miss for people. I make sure that I am not distracted or unfocused when this happens. Another way you can use amethyst is by keeping a piece on you physically in some way such as waring amethyst as a necklace or bracelet. This can help you connect to it and you can understand how it helps you energetically. Further, cleansing or purifying it may be necessary depending on how long you have had it or what you are using it for. If you can’t afford it then purchasing a small tumbled piece can work and preparing it by charging it in addition to the above methods will help. I have a charged piece of amethyst for intuition.  Also, you can carry some in your pocket or in a purse. Use it when you have free time like on a break to help you connect with your intuition so you can get used to using it and how you connect with the crystal as a whole.

I hope that by sharing some of the ways in which I have used amethyst for aiding me through connecting with my intuition you can try them out and see if it helps you.

Many Blessings!!

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