Books I am currently reading.

Hi Readers,

One of the things I put on hold while I was in school was reading. School was not the entire reason, but I did not have enough time to dedicate to any books. However, since I am the middle of various transitions, I have more time to devote to reading. Thus, I thought I would discuss what I am currently reading. I am limiting it specifically to current books as I have a few books I am reading right now that are older. Further, I am explicitly discussing books related to Witchcraft as a whole. I am not exploring any one specific tradition or path. Nor am I exploring any one subject. All of this said here are the books that I am currently reading.

Spellcrafting by Arin Murphy-Hiscock

 I chose this book because I read one of her previous works Power Spellcraft For Life I loved that book as it was nondenominational so anyone interested in  learning about spellcrafting could read about it. Further, they could understand it from a neutral approach. Also, she gives good suggestions and discusses items such as having a pre-existing relationship with the Divine before asking for assistance with your spells. Moreover, I liked the discussion on having a clearly defined goal and the exercises she gives for narrowing your need for determining a specific goal. I hope that spellcrafting is an extension of this prior work as I believe she could expand on various items related to magickal theory in addition to adding more recipes.

The next book I am reading is Transformative Witchcraft by Jason Mankey I read Jason’s prior work The Witches Book Of Shadows I absolutely loved it! He provides excellent detail on the history, lore, and gives great suggestions on how to create your own Book of Shadows. I learned a lot from this book. I liked learning about all the various books of shadows and other magickal texts within history, in addition to how he includes quotes by other authors on the subject. I expect that I will learn a great deal about magick, explore new techniques, and history within Transformative Witchcraft. I look forward to reading both books and I will write a review when I am finished.

Many Blessings!!

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