How Meditating more frequently has improved my life and personal practice

Hi Readers,

During the past few months, I have made a considerable effort to meditate more frequently. I do not meditate just because I practice magick, I believe meditation can help regardless of whether you practice Witchcraft or not. Meditation can help you relax and reduce stress. However, I thought I would share how I have benefited by meditating more regularly in terms of my practice in addition to other parts of life.

I can focus for Longer Periods.

Whether I am casting a spell or not I have noticed by starting my day with meditation or ending my day with meditation I have noticed that I can focus on tasks for longer than I could. I still have moments where I will get sidetracked or distracted but I am able to recover quickly by reminding myself of what I am doing and breathing. Through meditation I have been able to focus entirely on the magickal working I am doing in addition to other aspects of the spell such as when I m visualizing my goal. I can hold the visualization for a long time, and focus entirely on the purpose of the spell.

I feel More Present.

I know when discussing meditation people often talk about being more mindful and living in the present moment. I have noticed that meditating allows for me to feel more present. I have noticed that I am not worrying as much as I would about other possible situation that can come up. Yes, I do have moments, but I always find myself coming back to what I am doing either through breathing or something else. I have found that focusing on a sound within my environment can assist with this. In terms of m personal practice through this feeling of being present, I have noticed that I am able to enjoy connecting with the spirits I work with more, and I am more aware of the moments surrounding other parts of my practice. I am more fully engaged within all facets from just simply being at my altar, to doing some form of divination, and when choosing ingredients for a spell. I have always done my best to be fully present when doing these things, but I have had moments when everyday life situations have overtaken my thoughts.

I realize that meditation is not for everyone. That is fine, but I felt it was important to share. Meditating for even 5 minutes has made a significant improvement. Even If you started with once a week for that time then adjusted it according to your lifestyle such as twice a week or three times a week for 10 or 15 minutes can help. I believe through meditation we can benefit in all areas of life and within our personal paths/practices.

I found this link regarding meditation and the benefits of it for reducing stress in addition relaxation. The article gives more information for other ways of reducing stress including going outside.

Click Here for more!

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Many Blessings!

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