Imbolc 2022.

Hi Readers, During this past week, I went through a few trials and struggles in various areas of my life. I struggled with aspects related to job hunting, personal relations, and general anxiety about the state of things. So, with Imbolc season currently going on though for many of us we celebrate around the 2nd… Continue reading Imbolc 2022.

Preparing for Ostara my altar and thoughts for this new season.

Hi Readers, With Ostara coming up this Thursday March 19, for my area along with others in the United states, coinciding with the spring equinox and bringing with it the start of a new season.  I thought I would share how I am preparing. I spent time yesterday setting up my altar along with creating… Continue reading Preparing for Ostara my altar and thoughts for this new season.

My Yule/solstice altar, and how I will be celebrating

Hi Readers, Tomorrow is the Winter solstice which marks the beginning of the winter season at least in the Northern Hemisphere. For the southern hemisphere you will be celebrating the start of summer. What ever you are celebrating I hope you enjoy it and you have a great time. Yule is another name associated with… Continue reading My Yule/solstice altar, and how I will be celebrating

Preparing for Autumn equinox: current altar.

Hi Readers, I have been busy with life stuff mainly finishing up my last college course. Though I spent most of my day studying for an upcoming test I made sure that I made time to prepare for the Autumn equinox. This is also referred to as Mabon and is primarily associated with giving thanks… Continue reading Preparing for Autumn equinox: current altar.

Preparing for Summer Solstice: my altar and suggestions.

Hi readers, I thought I would talk about some of the ways I prepare for the summer solstice. In the above picture this is my current altar. Some of the things you see like the red crystals are carnelian to represent fire and the citrine point which If you can’t see it because of how… Continue reading Preparing for Summer Solstice: my altar and suggestions.