4 Crystals I think everyone should have that can help in any practice.

              Hi readers, I discuss on a regular basis how I work with crystals. I’ve discussed choosing crystals, cleansing crystals, and more topics on the subject. Today, I want to share 4 crystals I think everyone would benefit obtaining If you do not have them already. I have all of these and have found them… Continue reading 4 Crystals I think everyone should have that can help in any practice.

Using amethyst as an aid for anxiety.

Hi Readers, I was inspired by this post on working with crystals for mental health. Specifically, I am inspired to share my experience with using amethyst to aid for anxiety. Of course, I use this in addition to tools like meditation, journaling, and other tools such as talk therapy. Amethyst is one of my favorite… Continue reading Using amethyst as an aid for anxiety.

Three Crystals I Use To aid depression, How, and why.

Hi Readers, Similar to my previous post and video on working through blocks I want to discuss 3 crystals I use to help with depression in addition to how I use them. Also, I wish to share how I use the crystals in spells, along with how I incorporate them into my other more everyday… Continue reading Three Crystals I Use To aid depression, How, and why.