4 Crystals I think everyone should have that can help in any practice.

              Hi readers,

I discuss on a regular basis how I work with crystals. I’ve discussed choosing crystals, cleansing crystals, and more topics on the subject.

Today, I want to share 4 crystals I think everyone would benefit obtaining If you do not have them already. I have all of these and have found them to be most easily attainable for many people. IF not, I also recommend others you can use as substitutes or other ways to work around this using a different crystal or the earth itself. Note: The First two of them come from the quartz family but this is not the only family of crystals you can choose from.

1: Clear quartz:

I imagine that many guessed clear quartz would be on the list. This is deliberate as clear quartz is one of the most common and easily attainable crystals. You can find it just about anywhere both out in nature and anywhere else you can purchase crystals. I recommend clear quartz because you can use it to connect with the Earth element through meditation in addition to connecting with the earth through all forms of crystal, you can use it to ground your energies through holding the crystal, use to store energy for spells and rituals, and so much more. Clear quartz has a lot of conductive energy and I love using it like a battery especially when I am finding myself low on energy to work a spell or hold ritual. Also, clear quartz can be used to amplify energy in a spell while raising energy or when you need energy. You can charge in many ways like using the sun or moon. Note: All the crystals on this list can be charged using the Moon.  

2: Amethyst:

Amethyst also in the quartz family is another crystal easy to come by. Amethyst has a soothing energy and is great for all forms of meditation, work with intuition, psychic abilities, and more. If interested in meditation I would hold it in your hand or keep it with you as you meditate. Even just placing one in your space can help for this   purpose. Also, amethyst can be used for aiding for calming negative energy and is great for bringing soothing peaceful energy to a space. Just place the amethyst in the space. I usually charge the amethyst for this purpose. Amethyst is also good for psychic abilities as in increasing them so you can use them in your readings, rituals, and spells. You can charge amethyst in the Full Moon for all purposes including psychic abilities. Also, amethyst is good for protecting rituals and spells in addition to protection in general so keeping it with you as you travel is a good use for it. Do not cleanse amethyst in the Sun!! The color will fade. Have experienced this firsthand and I regret it.

3: Sodalite:

Sodalite is one of my favorite crystals. I find it to be easily found in most places. If not, I recommend using rose quartz especially for something related to emotions or emotional healing. Sodalite can not be charged in water so please use the moon charging method. Sodalite can be used in spells and rituals for emotional healing, meditation, and other aspects. Sodalite has a calm energy like amethyst, and I find it useful for connecting with the element of water in addition to other blue crystals.

4: Hematite:

Hematite is not a member of the quartz family nor is sodalite. Both are from different family groups, and I can’t remember each one exactly. Hematite is also easily found in stores and in nature in some areas. This said, hematite is great for protection, grounding, and other spells and rituals. I recommend using hematite for rituals and spells involving the Earth, grounding your energy, meditation, stability, and can be used to store energy in terms of excess energy after spellwork. This has just been my experience. If you have difficulty finding hematite you can use any tree, rock, or if you are looking for crystals then obsidian, onyx, jet, and black tourmaline can be used for protection, and you can charge it for grounding as well. Note: Hematite like sodalite cannot be charged with water. I recommend the Full Moon method for this crystal.

These are just a few of the crystals I could recommend for anyone to use. I encourage anyone to read up on each and see IF you can find them either in your area and if not check stores around you. Also, let me know IF you have any questions.

Would you add or change to this list? What crystals would you add?

I discuss more in the video below:

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Many Blessings!!

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