Tarot app update.

Hi Readers,

A few months ago, I mentioned how I began learning how to read tarot cards. More specifically, I discussed both in this blog and this video how I use an app to read them.

Within this post, I wish to provide an update regarding my experience reading tarot and in general both alone and for others. Additionally, I would like to inform you of what I decided to do going forward in terms of learning this system of divination.

Reading for myself and for others:

In the beginning, I struggled with understanding how to read for myself. I found interpretation to be the most difficult aspect of this process. I found reading the app was vastly different than reading with cards when I have gone to a professional. This was due to me not being accustomed to reading for myself or at least in this way. So, I kept on doing it and I found surprising results. Through each reading I learned more about the ways in which the cards could be interpreted based on situation, question, and deck depending on the app. I found reding for myself still presents a challenge for me.

However, when I read for someone else, I found it a little easier but still struggled with interpretation in terms of explaining it to other people. This got easier within the context of situation but had a limited experience to really learn reading for others.

This is the case for both apps I worked with, and I found the challenge to be telling in terms of how I connect with tarot cards. I would like to give more of an explanation of my future use of this system   based on these experiences. However, I would like to say that through this experience I learned what works and does not work for me regarding divination systems and how I learn them.

Putting it down and deciding to step back:

Based on the above experiences I still find myself struggling with connecting through the app to the cards. I found myself wondering what the card and reading would be like IF I used the actual physical deck. I felt like I was gaining significant knowledge regarding the tarot system only I felt the experience could be enhanced IF I used both a physical deck and the ap. simultaneously. I felt it could enhance my learning through using the physical deck. I could get a sense of the card’s energies and learn more on the meanings/interpretations through the apps. This said, I decided to put down tarot for now. I plan to learn a different system not sure as to what at this point. I am grateful though for the experience.

I learned about myself, what works, and how I learn so I am glad for taking the time to learn using tarot apps.

Have you ever used an app for learning tarot? What was your experience?

I discuss more the video below:

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Many Blessings!!

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