How I Interpret Dreams.

Hi Readers, I wrote this post last year discussing dreams and dream interpretation. I had held off on writing this post as I wanted to have at least one source to provide on the subject. In the previous post I discussed how I had a lot of strange dreams this past year. Further, I wanted… Continue reading How I Interpret Dreams.

The Importance Of Research.

Hi Readers, I mentioned in my last post and video, that I researched what herbs and plants are local to my area. In doing that research I felt inspired to write the following post and video. I would like to discuss why research is important when learning and practicing any form of Paganism or Witchcraft.… Continue reading The Importance Of Research.

Ostara 2021.

HI Readers, As you can see from the above photo, I have placed an image of my Ostara altar. For those celebrating I hope you a beautiful celebration!! I have already celebrated today, and I am just wanting to share some of my altar and celebration in addition to my thoughts for the season. Firstly,… Continue reading Ostara 2021.

Meditation Series Part 3: Final thoughts and Resources

Hi Readers, Welcome to the final installment in my 3-part meditation series!! In part 1 I discussed my view on what meditation is, provided examples on how I use it within my practice, and within part 2  I discus within both the videos and posts regarding types, different ways to get started with meditation, and… Continue reading Meditation Series Part 3: Final thoughts and Resources

Meditation series part 2: Types, how to meditate, and tips.

Hi Readers, Welcome to part 2 in my meditation series! In my previous post, I discussed what meditation is from my perspective in addition to providing examples along with an overview regarding the series. I would like to discuss various types of meditation in addition to how one can get started in meditation. Also, I… Continue reading Meditation series part 2: Types, how to meditate, and tips.