Meditation series part 2: Types, how to meditate, and tips.

Hi Readers,

Welcome to part 2 in my meditation series! In my previous post, I discussed what meditation is from my perspective in addition to providing examples along with an overview regarding the series.

I would like to discuss various types of meditation in addition to how one can get started in meditation. Also, I will be providing tips to help. I feel like it is best for me to start with some examples.


Meditation can come in various forms some of which includes mindfulness whereby you are observing thoughts without judgement or interaction, guided where someone is guiding you through either an imagery exercise, or some type of journey for example. Also, some guided meditations can be in the way of someone guiding you through a basic breathing exercise. However, these are not the only forms of guided meditation or mindfulness. These are just some of the types I have used when it comes to them. I encourage you to explore more through research and in another post, I will provide resources for all the types covered here.

Another type of meditation I find useful is a meditation for focus. This can come in the form of using an object, your breath, or something else entirely. For example, let us say you would like to focus on breathing If you have nothing around you or a concept. You might start with a few deep breathing exercises focusing on the inhalation and exhalations as you breath. If you have trouble with this, you can place your hand on your chest or stomach depending on where you feel your breath rise and fall. This will be dependent on each individual. Moreover, you can also try meditation on a concept. This is rather difficult for some, but you can use objects to help you keep the concept in mind at a later point. For example, when I am working on a ritual, I like to use meditation to focus on the specific purpose for that ritual. For instance, the spring equinox is approaching, and I once did a ritual on the concept of rebirth. I had a few questions regarding rebirth such as what is rebirth to me, in what ways have I gone through a rebirth? This can apply to several concepts such as a particular type of spell like prosperity you might ask these or similar questions. If you struggle you can incorporate something to help you focus such as an egg for rebirth or a green candle or actual money to assist in the focusing process. Lastly, these are just a few forms of meditation several other exist and I encourage you to explore as many of them as possible.

How do I meditate:

When exploring how to meditate you may come across several different ways. I have done breathing meditations where I am focusing solely on my breath. Also, I have done meditations where I count as I breath, while holding the breath, and after exhaling. For example, let us say you would like to start with this type of meditation, but you are not sure how long to count for I would start with making sure you are not forcing your breaths let it flow naturally. I would make sure you are breathing deeply, but If you feel uncomfortable just stop for a short time. Going back to the example I would start with a count of 4 mainly because it is easy to remember, and it comes to mind. This said, if 4 feels long for you then choose a shorter duration. So, I would start by inhaling count to 4 and as you exhale count to 4. I find that the act of counting is another example of a meditation for focus as it helps you stay in the present moment as you are breathing.

Another way in which you can meditate is by walking. I realize this may sound strange for some, but it is an act of mindfulness. For example, when I take walks in my neighborhood, I am focusing on each step being mindful of not only how I am walking but the environment around me. This in turn, allows you to stay focused on your surroundings and you may be surprised with how paying attention to how you walk can help you ground into that moment in addition to helping you be aware of your own movement. Walking is an unconscious act that many people do not pay attention and in turn they do not pay attention to their surroundings. You could also do this with sound such as listening to one sound around you like chirping birds.

What about altered States of consciousness:

In my last post, I discussed how in my personal definition of meditation I believe it is a way in which to alter your state of consciousness. What I mean by this is that we all go through various stages of consciousness for example as we sleep. For instance, when someone is dreaming you are in a different state of consciousness then when you are awake. I have read scientific examples of various brain waves patterns in relation to both sleep and meditation. I will have a resource in the next post. Furthermore, when discussing meditation and alter states of consciousness I view this like a form of trance. For example, when I am in a ritual or casting a spell, I like to go into a meditative trance state when I am focused on the act of casting a spell or performing a ritual. Instead of focusing on the everyday aspects of life such as house chores, paying bills, and I am focused on the spell I am working on like prosperity or health. Keep in mind, that when you are in an altered state of consciousness you are aware of your surroundings, however your mental state is in a different vibrational frequency to achieve a result such as focusing on the task at that moment such as a spell. Another example is when you are trying to gain something such as wisdom or to make a connection or as I am mentioning in my view gaining wisdom. Achieving an altered state of consciousness can take several forms such as meditating for a certain period which may include 15-20 minutes or longer. Some people like to burn incense to help facilitate the change in consciousness through a physical sense, while others may use a candle flame, crystals, or some other form. For example, I love to incorporate music within my practice in general so I might just use music to assist me in achieving the altered state I wish to achieve. Also, I have just used breathing as I explained above in addition to other ways. Finally, be mindful of the fact that meditation along with achieving an alter state of consciousness can be different from person to person and practice.


I thought I would end this post by providing tips for those who like to get started with meditation in whatever form they take. These include but are not limited to:

  • Start small, if you are new to meditation start with one type.
  • Keep it simple, if all you have is 10 minutes then work with that as a starting point.
  • Stick to one type for a period such as a week or more.
  • Do not feel discouraged If meditating does not work after that period try a different type or try at a different point in the day/evening or another location.
  • Finally, if you have intruding thoughts that is completely normal do what you can to get back to the meditation.

I discuss more in the video below:

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Many Blessings!

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