How I Interpret Dreams.

Hi Readers,

I wrote this post last year discussing dreams and dream interpretation. I had held off on writing this post as I wanted to have at least one source to provide on the subject. In the previous post I discussed how I had a lot of strange dreams this past year. Further, I wanted to make sure I had clearer method to how I interpret my own dreams. I want to discuss how I personally approach dream interpretation and why.

Start with breaking down the symbols is where I usually begin when interpreting my dream. I do my best to write down as much as possible about the dreams including places, people, what I am doing, and other things I feel are important. Afterword, I review what symbols apply to my life at this point. For example, I had a dream about someone moving away and I lost contact with them. I realized later that the person in questions was not moving they relationship with them was changing. Similarly, I had a dream about someone passing away and again the relationship with that person did change. I realized that death represents change traditionally from what I understand but also death represented a large change in life.

Another key aspect to my dream interpretation is writing down as much as I can when I wake up. I kept a dream diary for a long time, and I have stopped for the time being mainly because of issues with some of writing implements I use. Further, keeping a dream diary allows to keep a record of what dreams are happening in addition to what season I am in. I mention seasons because the seasons including the seasons, we find ourselves in our lives can play a role within our dreams. Further, keeping a record of your dreams can help you notice patterns, changes, and learn what dreams are significant to you.

A final keep part of my interpretation process is a look up tradition aspects to symbols within dreams such as death, pregnancy, etc. I do this to see what the traditional symbols mean as a rule to see If something applies to my life at this point. If it does not, I break the symbols down on a personal level in terms of what is going on in my life. I just google the dream symbols or If I am really stuck, I will ask people who may specialize in dream work. I also find that doing this helps me understand what else I may be missing. Lastly, in speaking with someone who works with dreams and interpreting them allows me to gain insight into them from a differing perspective.

These are just some ways in which I work with dreams and how I interpret dreams. I hope that help or inspire you when interpreting your own. If you have any questions or a comment leave one below!!

Article on dream interpretation:

I found this article useful and informative. I learned a lot about history of dreams and subconscious.

I discuss more in the video below:

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Many Blessings!

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