How working on our personal practices can benefit us now and in future

Hi Readers, Several of us are going through a lot with the current global situation concerning our health, economy, and other issues. For many it is a time of a lot of unknowns. However, I believe that this time is a good time for us to delve into our personal practices. Even If you are… Continue reading How working on our personal practices can benefit us now and in future

Preparing for Ostara my altar and thoughts for this new season.

Hi Readers, With Ostara coming up this Thursday March 19, for my area along with others in the United states, coinciding with the spring equinox and bringing with it the start of a new season.  I thought I would share how I am preparing. I spent time yesterday setting up my altar along with creating… Continue reading Preparing for Ostara my altar and thoughts for this new season.

Three Ways I would describe My Practice.

Hi Readers, I wanted to share more about my own personal practice. I thought I would share three ways I would describe my practice and why. My Practice is Natural. I describe my practice as natural not just because I incorporate elements of nature within it like stones or herbs. I describe it this way… Continue reading Three Ways I would describe My Practice.

How Meditating more frequently has improved my life and personal practice

Hi Readers, During the past few months, I have made a considerable effort to meditate more frequently. I do not meditate just because I practice magick, I believe meditation can help regardless of whether you practice Witchcraft or not. Meditation can help you relax and reduce stress. However, I thought I would share how I… Continue reading How Meditating more frequently has improved my life and personal practice

How to Practice witchcraft Without Visualization A Response:

Hi Readers, One of the most common aspects of any form of Witchcraft is visualization. Visualization is something that several people struggle to do. This is not a bad thing necessarily however it can be challenging. For example, I personally can visualize well despite my blindness. How? I don’t just “Visualize” Visualization is often described… Continue reading How to Practice witchcraft Without Visualization A Response:

What I have learned from blogging and what I am still learning.

Hi Readers, Welcome to February!! I hope you are having a good celebration of Imbolc If you are, in addition to those of you who will be watching the game tomorrow I hope you have a good time. I thought I would discuss some things I have learned regarding blogging as I am coming up… Continue reading What I have learned from blogging and what I am still learning.

Magickal Records Series: Grimoires and Final Thoughts

Hi Readers, This is the final part of my magickal records series., I will be discussing Grimoires in terms of what they are, along with how to create, organize, and store one. Additionally, I have some final thoughts concerning the different books I have mentioned and how you can consider which book to use If… Continue reading Magickal Records Series: Grimoires and Final Thoughts