Preparing for Ostara my altar and thoughts for this new season.

Hi Readers,

With Ostara coming up this Thursday March 19, for my area along with others in the United states, coinciding with the spring equinox and bringing with it the start of a new season.  I thought I would share how I am preparing. I spent time yesterday setting up my altar along with creating a new crystal grid for something I am working on for this season.

This is a picture of my altar for Ostara. It contains two crystal grids with various colors, candles in spring colors like orange and pink, a white cloth, along with various other tools and objects like my wand and cauldron.

Also, I physically cleaned my space as well which meant I was getting rid of things I didn’t need and rearranging items. However, as far as my altar is concerned, I added more candles in spring like colors for me to accurately represent the season. Moreover, I chose crystals that I personally associate with the season like Citrine. This is just how I decided to set up my altar this time around. I realized I could have added more items I have a limited space in addition to the fact that I could not have live plants in my space as they would not survive.

With all the anxiety going on I decided to focus on dedicating Ostara this year to new beginnings concerning emotional struggles along with keeping the balance aspect of the equinox in mind. Originally, I planned on using a different altar cloth but decided that the one I have is an accurate reflection of what I am working on. Balance is something I am always trying to achieve like everyone else and I did my best to reflect that this year and throughout the year.

I found this article detailing the spring equinox date being earlier than normal for the United States this year and going forward every four years along with an article detailing information on how the spring equinox occurs and why it is so early this year. This article talks about the equinox’s early arrival I found this article useful as it explains how and why the equinox is occurring so early. Also, This article discusses what an equinox is and how it occurs. I learned new things from this article about the equinox as a whole along with its early arrival for 2020.

 If you are wondering about symbols you can use for Ostara and some traditions looking at around items you would use for Easter like eggs, spring colors, along with other items like rabbits. Every PR practitioner has a different way of celebrating depending on tradition and personal practice. I am currently watching a series that is great for everyone. If you want to learn new ideas and information on Ostara I highly recommend you check out This video along with the entire series!! I have been a subscriber of pyperh for several years now. She is one of the first Witches I saw on YouTube. I find her series on Ostara informative and worth watching.!!

What are your plans for Ostara? How are you celebrating?? Comment below with your answers and thoughts!!

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Many Blessings!!

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