Preparing for Ostara my altar and thoughts for this new season.

Hi Readers, With Ostara coming up this Thursday March 19, for my area along with others in the United states, coinciding with the spring equinox and bringing with it the start of a new season.  I thought I would share how I am preparing. I spent time yesterday setting up my altar along with creating… Continue reading Preparing for Ostara my altar and thoughts for this new season.

I am angry… my overall thoughts on this weekend shootings and other events.

Hi readers, I wanted to state that I am deeply sad and angry by what has taken place over this past weekend in Dayton Ohio, Chicago, El Paso, and at the Gilroy festival. I am angry and uncertain what to do. I have been considering ways in which we can create change. I have been… Continue reading I am angry… my overall thoughts on this weekend shootings and other events.