Living through the CoronaVirus as a disabled and Immune compromised Witch

Hi Readers, No matter where you go, what you watch the Coronavirus is everywhere. People are talking about it in addition to store running out of items. Several of us are asking all kinds of questions. As it spreads I have several questions. I am consistently wondering If I will catch it. I want to… Continue reading Living through the CoronaVirus as a disabled and Immune compromised Witch

Thoughts on Purchasing Witchcraft items locally and online.

Hi Readers, Last week, I was searching for a metaphysical shop in a different area from my home as I was to be in the area the following day. However, I only found a store that was further away. So, I got curious and began looking for other stores within my own area. I was… Continue reading Thoughts on Purchasing Witchcraft items locally and online.

Three Ways I would describe My Practice.

Hi Readers, I wanted to share more about my own personal practice. I thought I would share three ways I would describe my practice and why. My Practice is Natural. I describe my practice as natural not just because I incorporate elements of nature within it like stones or herbs. I describe it this way… Continue reading Three Ways I would describe My Practice.

How Meditating more frequently has improved my life and personal practice

Hi Readers, During the past few months, I have made a considerable effort to meditate more frequently. I do not meditate just because I practice magick, I believe meditation can help regardless of whether you practice Witchcraft or not. Meditation can help you relax and reduce stress. However, I thought I would share how I… Continue reading How Meditating more frequently has improved my life and personal practice

Balancing Life and Witchcraft when to practice

Hi Readers, Lately, my life has been without much of a schedule while I look for work. I can live without a schedule and sometimes I prefer it. However, I know that in most workplace situations you need to keep a schedule. I thought I would talk about balancing everyday life and Witchcraft. Rather than… Continue reading Balancing Life and Witchcraft when to practice

Magick in conjunction with the mundane.

Hi Readers, I have been working a lot of different spells lately. I will not share a lot of what they involve, but they are related to what is going on in my current life situation. I am looking for work and with that comes a lot of challenges. Primarily related to being blind and… Continue reading Magick in conjunction with the mundane.

How I explain my personal path, and practice to others.

Hi Readers, I get a lot of people who ask me questions about my personal path and practice. I thought I would share how I explain it to others. Usually, I will explain depending on who I am talking to and how well I know the person. If it is a new person and they… Continue reading How I explain my personal path, and practice to others.

How to Practice witchcraft Without Visualization A Response:

Hi Readers, One of the most common aspects of any form of Witchcraft is visualization. Visualization is something that several people struggle to do. This is not a bad thing necessarily however it can be challenging. For example, I personally can visualize well despite my blindness. How? I don’t just “Visualize” Visualization is often described… Continue reading How to Practice witchcraft Without Visualization A Response: