Living through the CoronaVirus as a disabled and Immune compromised Witch

Hi Readers, No matter where you go, what you watch the Coronavirus is everywhere. People are talking about it in addition to store running out of items. Several of us are asking all kinds of questions. As it spreads I have several questions. I am consistently wondering If I will catch it. I want to… Continue reading Living through the CoronaVirus as a disabled and Immune compromised Witch

Working Magick while having a Chronic Illness

Hi Readers, Yesterday, I mentioned on twitter how I was dealing with a personal health issue. I thought this would be a good opportunity to discuss how I view working magic while dealing with a chronic illness. In 2018, I was diagnosed with an illness known together as inflammatory bowel disease. They are further divided… Continue reading Working Magick while having a Chronic Illness

Celebrating Samhain

Hi Readers, With Samhain coming up this week I thought I would dedicate a post talking about celebrating. Samhain usually occurs on October 31, and where I live that is this upcoming Thursday. However, I have read through researching that Samhain has an astrological occurrence as well. I have been planning out how I will… Continue reading Celebrating Samhain