Balancing Life and Witchcraft when to practice

Hi Readers, Lately, my life has been without much of a schedule while I look for work. I can live without a schedule and sometimes I prefer it. However, I know that in most workplace situations you need to keep a schedule. I thought I would talk about balancing everyday life and Witchcraft. Rather than… Continue reading Balancing Life and Witchcraft when to practice

Magick in conjunction with the mundane.

Hi Readers, I have been working a lot of different spells lately. I will not share a lot of what they involve, but they are related to what is going on in my current life situation. I am looking for work and with that comes a lot of challenges. Primarily related to being blind and… Continue reading Magick in conjunction with the mundane.

How I explain my personal path, and practice to others.

Hi Readers, I get a lot of people who ask me questions about my personal path and practice. I thought I would share how I explain it to others. Usually, I will explain depending on who I am talking to and how well I know the person. If it is a new person and they… Continue reading How I explain my personal path, and practice to others.

How to Practice witchcraft Without Visualization A Response:

Hi Readers, One of the most common aspects of any form of Witchcraft is visualization. Visualization is something that several people struggle to do. This is not a bad thing necessarily however it can be challenging. For example, I personally can visualize well despite my blindness. How? I don’t just “Visualize” Visualization is often described… Continue reading How to Practice witchcraft Without Visualization A Response:

Thoughts on Imbolc 2020, and preparations.

Hi Readers, One of the Sabbats or holidays within the wheel of the year I have struggled celebrating is Imbolc. This usually occurs around February 1 or 2, I have seen references to it being celebrating at the end of the day on February 1st and into the 2nd.  I have seen other spellings but… Continue reading Thoughts on Imbolc 2020, and preparations.

coping with personal struggles and my path.

Hi Readers, Lately, I have been dealing with a lot of personal struggles. I have touched on them briefly on twitter, but I have also been planning content for February. I felt it was important to discuss how I have been coping by providing it within the context of my personal practice and path. The… Continue reading coping with personal struggles and my path.

Why I Choose to perform Divination prior to casting spells

Hi Readers, During the past few years I have been devoting more time to divination. For me, I have a strong connection to the spirit realm in addition to the Divine. However, I would like to point out that Divination has not always been something I have focused on within my personal practice specially in… Continue reading Why I Choose to perform Divination prior to casting spells

Magickal Records Series: Grimoires and Final Thoughts

Hi Readers, This is the final part of my magickal records series., I will be discussing Grimoires in terms of what they are, along with how to create, organize, and store one. Additionally, I have some final thoughts concerning the different books I have mentioned and how you can consider which book to use If… Continue reading Magickal Records Series: Grimoires and Final Thoughts

Magickal Records Series: Book Of Shadows

Hi Readers, This is another part in my series on magical records. In my previous post I discussed what a Book of Mirrors is in addition to discussed how it is different from A Book of Shadows. Today, I would like to expand more on what A Book of Shadows is, and a great resource… Continue reading Magickal Records Series: Book Of Shadows