Where Do I obtain books as a Blind Witch

Hi Readers, I realize I have discussed how I Read books as a blind witch. I wanted to discuss some of the ways in which I acquire books on Paganism, and Witchcraft. I tend to use a variety of resources. How I choose the books is highly dependent on what device I am using. In… Continue reading Where Do I obtain books as a Blind Witch

Imbolc Altar and how I am celebrating.

HI Readers, Since Imbolc is coming up, I wanted to share how I plan to celebrate along with my current altar. I used a lot of what I had available as I am running low on candles now. As you can see, I have taken down a lot of crystal grids I had on past… Continue reading Imbolc Altar and how I am celebrating.

Do I work Magick for others?

Hi Readers, I get asked for assistance regarding magickal workings from both friends and others I meet. I would like to answer the question do I cast spells for other people? My answer is both simple and complex. The short answer is no. The longer answer is it depends. Depending on the circumstances in terms… Continue reading Do I work Magick for others?