Spells I’ve Cast both current and within the past year.

Hi Readers, Where I live, we are still within the summer season. We have only experienced a few days with cooler temperatures for the area> I bring this up firstly because I have been working a lot of spells lately for protection in addition to safety, mental health, prosperity, and a few others. Fires are… Continue reading Spells I’ve Cast both current and within the past year.

3 crystals I currently use the most and why.

Hi Readers,  As I have mentioned previously, I use crystals a great deal within my practice. I use crystals in spells, rituals, divination, and so forth. I wanted to discuss 3 crystals I am currently using and why. As far as I am aware 2 of these all belong to the quartz family as they… Continue reading 3 crystals I currently use the most and why.

Affirmations and my practice

Hi Readers, Lately, I have been working a lot with affirmations. I realize that some people do not use affirmations for many reasons. However, I have found them to be something I use regularly within my craft. I did struggle at times they did not come easily to me. In my view, affirmations are usually… Continue reading Affirmations and my practice