Blessed Beltane to all who celebrate!!!

Hi readers,

I first want to wish everyone in the northern hemisphere a happy and blessed Beltane. If you are in the southern hemisphere, I hope you are having a blessed Samhain!  I won’t go deeply into the history of the day. Beltane is a day all about the beginning of summer in some paths and it celebrates fertility of nature. For many in several paths it is the union of the masculine and feminine aspects of the Gods. Also, like during the time of Samhain it is time when the vale is thin and communications with spirits are possible. In addition, this is good time to connect with the fae.

Everyone within a tradition or not celebrates it differently

Over the years, I have celebrated in many ways from elaborate formal rituals, to taking walks outdoors when I could, noticing the weather around me. Also, when I first heard about Beltane it was through a tv show discussing different forms of Witchcraft.

I enjoyed watching how others celebrated Beltane and learning how one coven celebrated.

I have found Beltane difficult to celebrate sometimes as a solitary because a lot of the traditional celebrations center around a partner or a large group. Thus, I found creative ways to celebrate like the ones discussed above.

I went through a difficult time during Beltane of last year and for me this year I am celebrating life. I am celebrating everything around me and incorporating fire as well into my celebrations as this is one of the fire festivals. So tonight, I will be celebrating in different ways including meditating, doing some divination, in addition to other forms of celebration. I hope for those who are celebrating that you have a great time! No matter what you are celebrating may it be beautiful, and I wish everyone blessings of the season!

How are you celebrating? Any plans or experiences you would like to share?

Here is the link to the video I mentioned. Hope you enjoy I am glad I found it!!

Wicca: National Geographic

Many Blessings!

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