Thank You.

HI Readers,

I want to thank you. I want to thank you for reading my posts, watching my videos, and commenting. Even If you just watch or read but do not comment I still want to thank you. I am writing this post to say thank you because I realized over the last few days, I have 3 new subscribers on my YouTube channel, along with a few other subscribers on my blog. For me, this is a huge success. I started my blog and channel to help others within there practice along with sharing my experiences as they relate to my practice and everyday life. I hope that by sharing my experiences that I have helped you in some way. Whether you come for the discussion on how I do something, how I work with crystals, general stuff about my practice as a Witch, or some of the discussions on blindness I hope they have helped you understand a different perspective in a positive light.

I have been focusing on developing a practice of gratitude within meditation, everyday life, and it has truly paid off. Thank you for being here. I am profoundly grateful to you as a reader/subscriber and viewer of my channel. I am here to share, start discussions, and be apart of a larger community. I feel like I have taken a large step in the right direction. Thank you.

Also, for those of you who are interested in connecting with me I thought I would share the links to all of my social media, so you can connect with me outside of the blog and channel. Just so you are aware I am the most active on Twitter, but you can still reach me on Instagram as well via email within the links below.




Interested in more content? Do not want to miss anything? I urge you to subscribe to my blog via email below, along with my YouTube channel!

Many Blessings!!

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