Practicing Witchcraft without tools.

Hi readers,

Over the past few weeks, I have seen a lot of posts on various forms of social media regarding practicing Witchcraft without any objects or tools. Despite what many believe Witchcraft can be done without tools such as candles, statues, athames, herbs, etc. However, in order to understand how tools are not necessary we must also view why people might use these tools. For some might be because the particular tool assists them to focus their energy, concentration, providing them with an easier way to connect to their own energy. Another key reason might be that by using a tool such as a wand or athame they are connecting with the people who used that same tool in the past. Further, others may use tools for a variety of reasons in addition to the ones I have discussed here. A person can be in a situation where being open about their practice can be a problem because they are either living with family, roommates, or any other situation. They can be living on a budget or have financial issues. Some people just like the aesthetics and others just like having something physical to touch or hold.

For me personally, I do use tools within my practice, but I personally don’t always desire to use anything, but this is my personal preference. However, I have performed several spells and rituals without anything but my hands, mind, will, and ability to maintain my focus. Also, I made sure I can keep my concentration and visualize my intent. You don’t have to start out with a complex spell either simply focusing and meditating on a specific intention and using will and visualization to send it out into the universe is something. Even the simple act of writing which utilizes some form of tool, but you still must think and meditate on the intention before you write it. Writing the intention in the form of an affirmation, chant, or something else requires you to use all the abilities I mentioned. For example, If I need to bring more prosperity into my life such as money I might think about my relationship with money, how I view it, what I need it for, and how much. Then, I would break down the intention by meditating on specifically how much I need then phrase the intent into a chant. After I was certain of the intention through meditation, I would write it down further bringing my thought and intent into the physical world through the act of writing which will in turn lead towards manifestation.

If you already have a magical or any other type of practice do you use any tools? If not, why?

If you are uncertain you can always try a spell with something, then try another without to determine what works for you.

I hope that this has helped you consider why people may use tools, give you my own personal preferences, and how you can do any form of magic without tools. Do you have tips or suggestions that I have not covered?

Many Blessings!

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