Working with the Sun in Magick.

Hi Readers,

One of the ways I like to work magic is by using the energy of the Sun. I live in a climate that has lots of Sun in addition to the fact that I enjoy spending time in it. Not to mention, that without the sun we would not have life. I know quite a few Witches who use the moon. I work with both within my practice. I thought I would discuss some of the things I have used the sun for in terms of spells.

Prosperity Spells.

I know the Sun has several correspondences including success, joy, in addition to crystals such as citrine, and the color gold. I have seen yellow in addition to orange in some places. This depends on what book you read but when I work with correspondences, I generally use them as guides which is another post all on its own. In terms of using the Sun for prosperity spells, I have used a green candle because green is the color of money where I am from, in addition to using a yellow candle for success along with clear communication. This is just how I choose to do it. When I did my last prosperity candle spell, I cast on a Sunday which is linked with the Sun at noon when the Sun is at its peak. This said, I have used online research to figure when the actual solar peak occurs also called solar noon.  However, I have also used the Sun for another prosperity working at Sunrise using only crystals in my case jade, which is usually linked with prosperity, clear quartz for amplification, among other stones like adventurine. These are not the only ways you can use the Sun within magick. I have used the Sun for several workings and is something I incorporate a lot within my practice. I would like to speak generally on how the Sun can be used.

Use it throughout The Day.

When discussing anything within Witchcraft the Sun is mentioned but not as frequently, yet the Moon is nearly mentioned in any book you read. I have a connection to both as I stated above, however, I feel a great deal of connection to the Sun’s energy that is completely different from the Moon. When I discuss using the Sun in your magickal workings throughout the day I am referring to working with the daily cycles of the Sun like Sunrise, noon, or Sunset. For example, Sunrise is not the only time I could work the prosperity spell I could work it at noon, midmorning, nor is prosperity the only working I could accomplish. I have cast protection spells at noon, sunrise, and midmorning. For example, when casting at Sunrise I used a combination of crystals, a white candle, and something to carry on my person. The energy of the Sun rising aided me in gradually strengthening my spell. You can also use the Sun’s energy to banish something such as a Sunset, midmorning as the energy is in transition during that time between morning along with mid-day. In addition, I have cast spells for help with success, strength during difficult periods, and healing. All of these were during at different times of the day such as sunrise for success, sunset for healing, and strength at mid-afternoon. You can use the Sun in more than one spell not just at these times. Work with the spell in question along with what you might be using

Final Thoughts.

The Sun along with the Moon is one of my most used energies to incorporate within my magick. I have not just cast spells like the ones mentioned above I have used the Sun’s energy to align with it as a way to connect with  the element of Fire, in rituals specifically for the Sun, grounding, and connecting with Deity. Moreover, keep in mind that you do not need to work with the Sun exclusively you can work with both and Sun and Moon at the same time. You could cast a spell at Sunrise and continue to work on it when the Moon is up. I have created elixirs started at Sunrise and continuing throughout the night. This is just one example of many that you could use. If you are curious on how to connect with the Sun research the local Sunrise time to help you get started so that If you wish to start at Sunrise you know what time it will be. The book Power Spellcraft for Life along with Spellcrafting by Arin Murphy-Hiscock  both have a section on working with the Sun. They both have more information regarding times of day, along with information on correspondences. I hope that by sharing how I have used the Sun along with providing these links you are able to take advantage of the information to begin exploring the Sun within your magickal practice.

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Many Blessings!!

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