Am I open about being a Witch with others?

Hi Readers,

Lately I have been considering how I talk about my path and practice. I thought I would discuss my current situation in terms of how open I am about being a Witch with others.

When I was first starting out, I didn’t want anyone to know anything about my being into Witchcraft. Not because I felt I needed to hide anything, but because I am a private person. I talked about it online and with close friends. I didn’t start identifying as a Witch until I was on my path for about 2 years or so. Additionally, I knew even though I live in an area where it is not uncommon for people to be practicing Witchcraft, but I was mindful regardless because I knew I would not always be supported or accepted. Moreover, I was not confident about a lot of things or felt like I could confidently explain my practice to others for a while.

However, now I tend to just tell people If I feel they are open to the idea. I don’t hide it, but I won’t talk about it unless something comes up or If I happen to be wearing something like a pentacle or other symbol. Usually, I will give an explanation about why I wear it If that is the case or I will explain what it is associated with like the elements in addition to its past associations that I have researched. Also, if they are receptive to me discussing it, I will talk about my practice in detail enough that I answer what ever questions they may have without over sharing a lot of details. Also, in my case since I work with crystals, I feel like it is a good ice breaker because it looks nice and it doesn’t tend to scare people. I own a pentacle necklace that I wear and have wear out in public on several occasions. I have received every reaction from being scared because they viewed me as a Satanist to thinking I am going to hell. When that happens, I usually try to inform them about it or extricate myself from the situation If it calls for it.

However, I have also had positive experiences and have met some people who either have friends who are Witches, practice some other form of Paganism, or I have also met people who want to learn more when I talk to them as well. I redirect them to resources depending on what they are looking for and go from there.

I feel regardless of the practice you have as Witches we all have something to share. I feel like we can help dispel misconceptions and stereotypes by discussing it without going into detail regarding our practices, just enough that people can begin to understand. If they don’t listen, I am sure that at some point someone will.

What are your thoughts on the subject? How do you feel about being open as a Witch If you are?

Many Blessings!

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