Using crystals and other objects for meditation.

Picture of a piece of tumbled Rhodochrosite that I talked about in the post. It is a multi-colored crystal with brown, with flex of dark green and grey tones among other colors.

Hi readers,

I thought I would discuss more on meditation. I wanted to write about this today because I know that it is a useful skill and something people may use in their lives and practice.

To see my previous post on skills I use for meditation Check out this post on my favorites!

Some of these suggestions may not work for everyone, but I encourage you to try at least some of them. One thing I like to use in meditations is a crystal. I use crystals for many aspects within my practice. When I meditate with a crystal, I use something specific to what I am working on or just to help me focus. For example, I used a piece of Rhodochrosite to help me focus on healing my emotions. I was meditating on some emotional struggles I have been having lately. Further, I also use crystals to connect with that crystal’s energy as well.

I don’t just use objects to focus or to maintain it during meditation I will also use them as part of the meditation. I know I can focus on my breathing which I have done previously, but I like to mix it up.

Other objects I have used for meditation are candle flames, mirrors, rain sticks, and I have used music. I realize that music is a sound, but it does help you focus on something in addition to your breathing.

If you can’t burn candles, afford a crystal, or for whatever can’t connect with it use something else. You can use something that is from around your neighborhood, a picture, or something that has reflection. If you like to physically touch something you can use something that has personal meaning to you. Also, meditation on an actual thought, emotion, or other concept is possible. You could create a word that is associated with it, rite it down, and keep the paper with you. You could get an object that represents that thought, concept, or something that you connect and meditate on that.

Finally, I just want to note that meditating with objects can be helpful for people who can’t sit still, maintain focus, or just like to hold onto something.

I just thought I would share what I use sometimes when I meditate, what you can use during meditation, in addition to affordable ways you can use objects within your meditation practice.

Do you have any comments or experiences you would like to share? Leave a comment below!

Many Blessings!


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