Blessed Ostara/Equinox for all who celebrate!

Hi readers,

I thought I would wish everyone who may be celebrating the Spring Equinox or as other Pagans in addition to other people may know it as Ostara. From what I have read and have seen discussed Ostara is referring to a Germanic Goddess named Eostre and some believe it is where we get the name Easter. However, I myself have not seen any historical information about this but I thought it would be interesting for people to know.

I thought I would provide a few tips for people on how they can celebrate. Most people notice spring returning in different ways where they live such as seeing flowers blooming, warmer temperatures, and so forth. The spring equinox is said to occur today March 20th, 2019 from where I am which has already occurred as of this writing. I got my information from google.

Several people celebrate balance as we see what takes place during this time when day and night are equal. For me balance is most prominent this year as it keeps showing up in my life in different ways. Meditating on how I can achieve grater balance in my school, family, and personal life is important not just for myself but for all of us. I have been doing a lot of meditating on this using different methods like guided meditations but also by reflecting how I have achieved balance in prior years.

In addition, planting seeds and blessing them is something I have seen in different books and blogs. However, I currently don’t feel ready to do this, but I also realize that for many people it may not be warm enough for that. If this is the case, you can plant indoor plants or think about something you wish to bring into your life. You can write this down and use a jar in a corresponding color to the subject of your goal and fill it up over a certain length of time. Also, you can try making a list and creating an altar around that goal or make space on your current one.

Cleansing is another thing you can do to welcome spring after all many of us choose to declutter and clean around the spring time. This can be viewed If done with intention in addition to focus, visualization, and other aspects can be a form of cleansing. For myself, I have cleansed my home and did some physical cleaning as well.

However, you decide to celebrate I hope that this post has inspired you or given you some thought to consider on how you can celebrate today.

As always, I wish you peace and blessings during this week!

Blessed Ostara/equinox!!

Many Blessings!

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