Why I do not use tarot cards.

⠠Hi Readers, I was inspired by my discussion on Divination that I thought I would discuss something that has been on my mind. I mentioned how I am currently using crystals as a medium for Divination. However, I would like to discuss why I personally do not read tarot. Tarot cards along with the entire… Continue reading Why I do not use tarot cards.

All about Music and my practice.

Hi Readers, Lately, I have been listening to a lot of music along with nature sounds. The nature sounds are mainly used to help me relax along with Using them for meditation. However, within my personal practice I find music to be a vital component. I have used music in every ritual and spell I… Continue reading All about Music and my practice.

All about incense, uses, and types of burners I use

Hi Readers, Lately, I have been taking note of how much incense I own in addition to burn it constantly. I own a lot incense along with different types from loose incense I have made, stick, and cone. Incense is something I use regularly within my practice for offerings, meditations, in spellwork, ritual, and in… Continue reading All about incense, uses, and types of burners I use