Some thoughts on Am I doing this right?

Hi Readers, Recently, I have begun exploring a new form of energy work. I will have a separate video and blog regarding this topic. However, this exploration caused me to consider something I have found to be a struggle within my personal practice since I first started. The struggle being that I tend to question… Continue reading Some thoughts on Am I doing this right?

All about Community

Hi Readers, Lately, I have been participating in a lot of virtual events. Many of them are unrelated to the practice of Paganism.  However, I have been participating in one group that is focused on spirituality in addition to other topics. In doing so, this caused me to consider the importance community plays within my… Continue reading All about Community

Imbolc Altar and how I am celebrating.

HI Readers, Since Imbolc is coming up, I wanted to share how I plan to celebrate along with my current altar. I used a lot of what I had available as I am running low on candles now. As you can see, I have taken down a lot of crystal grids I had on past… Continue reading Imbolc Altar and how I am celebrating.

Do I work Magick for others?

Hi Readers, I get asked for assistance regarding magickal workings from both friends and others I meet. I would like to answer the question do I cast spells for other people? My answer is both simple and complex. The short answer is no. The longer answer is it depends. Depending on the circumstances in terms… Continue reading Do I work Magick for others?

Affirmations and my practice

Hi Readers, Lately, I have been working a lot with affirmations. I realize that some people do not use affirmations for many reasons. However, I have found them to be something I use regularly within my craft. I did struggle at times they did not come easily to me. In my view, affirmations are usually… Continue reading Affirmations and my practice

2020 Positives and negatives.

Hi Readers, I am not sure where to begin in terms of reviewing this year. This year for myself along with many of others has been a year of uncertainty, change, and for many a most difficult year. I have found that this year has given me a lot to consider in terms of how… Continue reading 2020 Positives and negatives.

#Gratitude and my personal practice

HI Readers, During the past, several months I have been focusing on developing a gratitude practice. I have read a lot of articles that gratitude can help within someone’s life including developing a more positive outlook in addition to feeling appreciative about what you have. I wanted to see how gratitude can help me throughout… Continue reading #Gratitude and my personal practice

Some Thoughts On Dream Interpretation.

Hi Readers, Since the pandemic began, I like countless others have been experiencing vivid dreams. I am not alone in this; I have seen articles all over the place discussing this topic. I will post one below and you can find it in the description for the video as well. That said, I would like… Continue reading Some Thoughts On Dream Interpretation.