Notice: Website Changes!

Hi Readers, I thought I would inform you of some changes to the website. Due to technical difficulties, I re-enabled the ability to subscribe via email. Additionally, I am working on adding a search function and looking into making sure the pictures load correctly. Further, I am doing my best to respond to comments as… Continue reading Notice: Website Changes!

Crystal Series Part 1: Choosing and connecting with crystals.

Hi Readers, Welcome to part 1 in a 3-part series on crystals. Over the next few posts I will be discussing 2 different topics regarding crystals. As I stated IN My Previous Post crystals are one of  my most used items in my practice in addition to being one of the most versatile. Further, I… Continue reading Crystal Series Part 1: Choosing and connecting with crystals.

New Theme Change!

Hi Readers, I thought I would make everyone aware that I am changing the theme of my site. I was informed via comments on one of my posts that the current theme I am using is not compatible with mobile devices. Any thoughts or feedback on this new theme change would be appreciated. Post a… Continue reading New Theme Change!

The Versatility Of Crystals

Hi Readers, I have been doing a lot of work with crystals lately. I find crystals to be the most versatile option for me as a Witch. Thus, I have decided to start a 3-part series covering 3 topics regarding crystals. This series will start this week. However, prior to getting into that series I… Continue reading The Versatility Of Crystals

My current definition and views on magick.

Hi readers, Over the past few days I have been talking with people about magic. These discussions pertained to different aspects of magic such as skills used within magic and how they can help spells manifest. Particularly, visualization was discussed in addition to more fundamental questions about magick. Inspired by a conversation I had earlier… Continue reading My current definition and views on magick.

I am angry… my overall thoughts on this weekend shootings and other events.

Hi readers, I wanted to state that I am deeply sad and angry by what has taken place over this past weekend in Dayton Ohio, Chicago, El Paso, and at the Gilroy festival. I am angry and uncertain what to do. I have been considering ways in which we can create change. I have been… Continue reading I am angry… my overall thoughts on this weekend shootings and other events.

Why I prefer to Blog rather than being on YouTube

Hi readers, I thought I would discuss why I prefer to blog rather than being on a platform like YouTube. First off, I want you to understand that although I watch, subscribe, and even have a YouTube channel I do not have any content that I know of. I have several reasons for this, and… Continue reading Why I prefer to Blog rather than being on YouTube