Tips on storing and identifying crystals

Hi readers, Recently, I visited a new local shop in my area. The shop provides several products such as crystals, books, in addition to services like weekly guided meditations, monthly healing circles, reiki, and more. While visiting the shop I picked up two crystals. I bring this up because I thought I would talk about… Continue reading Tips on storing and identifying crystals

Preparing for Summer Solstice: my altar and suggestions.

Hi readers, I thought I would talk about some of the ways I prepare for the summer solstice. In the above picture this is my current altar. Some of the things you see like the red crystals are carnelian to represent fire and the citrine point which If you can’t see it because of how… Continue reading Preparing for Summer Solstice: my altar and suggestions.

Using crystals and other objects for meditation.

Hi readers, I thought I would discuss more on meditation. I wanted to write about this today because I know that it is a useful skill and something people may use in their lives and practice. To see my previous post on skills I use for meditation Check out this post on my favorites! Some… Continue reading Using crystals and other objects for meditation.

Practicing Divination While being legally blind and suggestions.

Hi readers, I have been performing more divination than I normally do over the past week or so. Prior to finding Paganism I hadn’t considered divination or heard of the word. I have always had psychic abilities but the idea of using something like cards or anything else seemed strange to me. I thought that… Continue reading Practicing Divination While being legally blind and suggestions.