Magickal Records Series: Book Of Shadows

Hi Readers,

This is another part in my series on magical records. In my previous post I discussed what a Book of Mirrors is in addition to discussed how it is different from A Book of Shadows. Today, I would like to expand more on what A Book of Shadows is, and a great resource for information on the history of them. Additionally, I will share information on how you can create, store, and how to organize it. A Book of Shadows in my opinion is a personal journal or book containing information about the path you follow, information about your beliefs, and information pertaining to magick, ritual work, and so on. I believe it is a mixture of both personal in addition to formal information pertaining to an individual Witch as well as magick. Furthermore, I believe a Book of Shadows is also referred to as a BOS and is a valuable tool for a Witch to have. I believe it is a tool that should be treated like any other tool used within Witchcraft, as such I think it should be consecrated. However, this is up to the individual. A Book of Shadows is personal in that it is a more permanent type of personal journal that may get past down to future generations. If this is the case, I would be sure to place information that you know was successful along with spells or rituals you know you would want them to access. Some people like to have books for different things. For example, they may want a book specifically created for future generations, but still have a book specifically for their personal use. Moreover, A Book of Shadows can also contain items like dreams, poems, or chants. Like the Book of Mirrors, a BOS is as personal as the Witch creating it. However, if you research anything related to Books of Shadows you will find differing definitions in addition to what goes inside it. For example, I mentioned that poems or dreams may be kept in a Book of Shadows and a Book of Mirrors. I said this because someone may want to use a poem within a ritual, then when they use it may not work, thus they may decide to not transfer the poem to their Book of Shadows. Along these same lines the opposite could occur whereby a chant worked well during the spell and they decide to keep it as they may likely use it again. For example, I created a chant for a protection spell I used repeatedly at two separate times when the spell manifested and I was sure of the results, I decided I am most likely going to keep it. Recipes that a Witch have used are something you can keep in A Book of Shadows in addition to information about a tradition you may follow. I have read that different traditions keep Books of Shadows differently. I have read in covens a book may exist specifically for the coven to use and pass down to new initiates. Additionally, for them to add to it as well as keep their own personal book. Moreover, I have only seen the term Book of Shadows used within Wicca, but I know that other paths may use or not. Personally, I keep one as I feel it is something, I want to have passed on eventually and I know it is something I will value. A Book of Shadows is the one thing I could say I would not want to lose. I would say it is the first tool anyone should have. Although, I did not start one immediately I did write down notes and information about the books I read. I eventually made sure to write down anything that occurred after any spell I cast had manifested so I could reuse it.

I mentioned previously how different a Book of Mirrors is from a Grimoire. I would like to briefly touch on this here with A Book of Shadows. Like the Book of Shadows, a Grimoire is similar in that it is a book pertaining to magick. However, I see a Grimoire as strictly information based. For example, instructions for spells, rituals, correspondences, and key points regarding spirits along with other entities may be placed within it. I realize that some people may place these items into A Book of Shadows as well, but they may contain notes or personal experiences. Furthermore, A grimoire in my opinion is like a reference book that you would have research, instructions, and rituals/spells within it.

A great resource for information pertaining to Books Of Shadows is The Witches Book Of Shadows by Jason Mankey I found this book to be great for everything from history, lore, storing, and creating a Book Of Shadows. I loved how he discusses his first books in addition to providing other perspectives on the subject. I would highly recommend reading this book to learn more.

In terms of creating your Book of Shadows you can create an actual book, use a journal, scrapbook, file on a computer, and several other ways. You could create a folder with files pertaining to different subjects like recipes, chants, rituals, your tradition, and even divided into further categories like herbs. You could store your Book online within the cloud with inscription if you are concerned about it being read, store it in a specific place if it is a hardcopy, use a flash drive, or something else. Personally, I have a hardcopy Book of Shadows, as I felt it would be easier for me despite the fact, I would have to carry it. Since I can’t handwrite, I use braille and create tactile imagery for it using a kit where I can draw images that are able to be felt by touch. Furthermore, I had a copy of my Book of Shadows in addition to my Grimoire on a flash drive that accidently broke. I have yet to recover the data. Since then, I have kept my Book of Shadows in hardcopy as well as my Grimoire. I have read in books that it is recommended that a Book of Shadows should be handwritten as it is how it was traditionally done, in addition to allowing you to remember what you have written. The choice is yours I would consider If you have any issues that would prevent you from handwriting and If it would be legible. If you can’t handwrite that is ok. If you have mobility issues use dictation if it works for you. If it doesn’t then you could consider using a recording device. If privacy is an issue, then you could keep it on something that can be secured. I have seen people use journaling apps on phones or tablets for keeping a Book of Shadows.

Another consideration to keeping a Book of Shadows is what to put into it and how to organize it. For me personally, I am still creating my current book. I know I will be putting brief information about my current path/beliefs, spirits I work with, and spells I know have worked. I will be placing information in alphabetical order but that’s just me. My current book is a binder and I have section dividers so I can move things around. This is a good option If you plan to move stuff. If you are using a notebook or some other book you could divide by category or subject. Use what works and If you are not organized that’s up to you. I would consider how quickly you could find information along with how relevant the information is to you in addition to what you know you would want to have access to. For example, I am not likely to keep basic information about the elements in the front as I am already like to know it, but If I wanted to reference later for any reason, I could make a section for it.

The first Book of Shadows I ever read in its entirety was the one found in the book Wicca a Guide for Solitary practitioner. However, I have seen others around online the issues are that often is it in the form of an image that without proper description I do not have information about what the book looks like, or anything without asking for assistance.

If you have yet to create a Book of Shadows I would start as soon as possible. I created mine as soon as I found a suitable binder, then I wrote a blessing and a curse. I chose to place a curse as a precaution, and I wrote a blessing to protect the book. If a curse does not work for you that’s fine. I consecrated the book on the New Moon as it is a time for new beginnings and projects. I used each element to do the consecration as part of a larger consecration ritual I wrote. This is just my own personal way of doing things. I say do what feels right to you and what is best for your situation. If you are a part of a tradition, then follow the guidelines of that tradition.

Many Blessings!!

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