Celebrating Samhain

Hi Readers,

With Samhain coming up this week I thought I would dedicate a post talking about celebrating. Samhain usually occurs on October 31, and where I live that is this upcoming Thursday. However, I have read through researching that Samhain has an astrological occurrence as well. I have been planning out how I will be celebrating. Usually, I will celebrate at night depending on how my schedule is. I have been dealing with a lot of changes this past year. However, I have always dealt with a flexible schedule throughout my life so this is often the case. I will be honoring a few people in addition to a pet who have passed.

 I will also be doing work with ancestors. Further, I will be doing divination which is something I do during other times of the year. I find this time of year is a great time for performing divination. Moreover, I plan on communicating with spirits. This is something I have done in the past and I find it to be helpful. I should mention that I work with spirits during my magickal workings. Spirit communication is something I do as part of my practice and as a part of my personal path. However, what I work with changes as my practice evolves. I will go into working with spirits in a separate post.

Another thing I like to do during Samhain is some form of banishing. Whether I burn, bury, throw something in water, or do something completely different. I like to banish things from my life and what that might look like will depend on my circumstances. This will depend on other factors because sometimes I will banish people or situations. I have also done this type of work at other times as it is not just limited to this time of year. Further, I find that banishing allows me to release things that I do not need in my life going forward. I believe Samhain to be the Witches new year. As such, I do a lot of reflection both self-reflection and I reflect on the past year. Writing helps me reflect on my life and myself as a whole. Thus, I tend to write a lot during this time of year in addition to throughout the year. Along with writing I will reread past writings regarding aspects of my path and practice.

Lastly, I find myself working through things during the season. I am doing shadow work which you can find lots of information about it online. I found information about it through YouTube in addition to books and google. From my understanding the shadow are aspects of oneself that has been repressed. These can be aspects that the person dislikes about themselves or something else. However, I can be wrong about all of this but this is how I currently understand it. I found that working through my shadows can help me move forward. Moreover, I find that in doing so I can learn how to integrate these aspects into myself so that they are not separate from me. For example, I deal with insecurity about weight. I have insecurity about how much weight I gain. However, I have been working on this by understanding where the root cause of when I began to have this insecurity. I find that this helps me understand how to work through it when I feel insecure. I realize that this sounds simple but it’s not. I am not an expert on this subject which is why I encourage you to investigate it yourself. I am still learning about myself and about shadow work.

The above plans I have mentioned are just some of things I plan on doing for Samhain. However, Samhain has a multitude of forms of celebration such as the association of it being tied to the final harvest, ancestor work, and so forth.

What are your plans for Samhain? How will you be celebrating?

Leave a comment with your thoughts and plans!

Many Blessings!!

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