Preparing for Autumn equinox: current altar.

This is my altar for the autumn equinox. The altar features my usual tools wand, bell, on the left is a small square shape of dark and light crystals. Also the crystals are featured on the right as well.
Autumn Equinox Altar

Hi Readers,

I have been busy with life stuff mainly finishing up my last college course. Though I spent most of my day studying for an upcoming test I made sure that I made time to prepare for the Autumn equinox. This is also referred to as Mabon and is primarily associated with giving thanks and the harvest season. The day also has an association with balance in addition to other aspects. Balance is a main aspect as day and night are of equal length. According to google for me the autumn equinox occurs tomorrow September 23, at 12-50 pacific. If you are interested check your local time zone.

 Every Witch will celebrate or may not celebrate at all. Everyone is different. Also, every tradition may have a form of celebration. I thought I would talk about how I am preparing to celebrate by talking about my altar and why I choose to celebrate.

For me, I see nature as a large aspect of my path and practice. This includes recognizing in addition to connecting with the seasons. This also includes connecting as they happen in my area. Although it is not exactly fall yet I feel like it is coming when I feel it getting colder at night and the early morning. Also, this time of year and over the past few years keeping things in balance has been reoccurring for me lately. From small tasks, to family/friends/personal life. Also, this has played a role in my practice as well and continues to do so. From what spells I choose to cast and how I approach the entire crafting and casting process.

Another aspect for me is self-reflection. I have been reflecting on myself and with various life changes happening which is allowing me to consider how I approach those situations and how I have in the past. I am also looking at my past writings regarding this time of year and it reoccurs for me throughout the last 2 or 3 years. Further, when I was deciding my altar, I attempted to reflect this aspect, but I could not think of a way to do it other than by working on the balance part. I chose clear quartz as it is something I work with often, in addition to obsidian which is something I work with as well. Also, I chose the shape of a square which I do not think it came out the way I hoped because the crystal continued to move. Either way, I chose it because I find this type of year to be about balance and a square is something, I use to reflect that this year. Also, I work with numerology I see 4 popping up everywhere so I felt it was important. Furthermore, I find 4 to be a number representative of security and stability which is what the Earth gives us.

These are just some of the reasons I chose to set up my altar this way. I may change it or keep it the way it is.

If you are celebrating what is your altar like? Share a photo if you wish or discuss what the season means for you.

Also, don’t forget to follow me on twitter where I tweet about all my blog posts. Look for @ShadowSun18. Also, you can also subscribe via email!

Many Blessings!

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