Crystal Series part 3: Crystal Resources

Hi Readers,

Welcome to my final installment in my crystal series! I thought I would end this series by providing some resources that I have found useful in learning about crystals. Since this is a 3-part series I thought I would use 3 resources. However, I thought I would discuss why I chose each resource.

Please note I am not sponsored by anyone of them in this list. I thought I would just share how these have helped me. Further, I do not get paid If you purchase anything via amazon.

The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall This book is an invaluable resource! The author goes into several aspects of crystals from healing, how to use, metaphysical properties. I choose this as my first resource as it is a great reference for looking up information on the history and uses of a crystal. This book has multiple volumes in addition to this one. Further, the author also provides a list of crystals based on purpose such as when I looked up crystals for protection. Keep in mind, that I have yet to read the entire book because it is so extensive! I use this book anytime I want more information on a crystal that I have already researched just in case it has something I have not seen before. Lastly, I would encourage you to read this for yourself and form your own opinion.

Crystal Vaults This website is a great resource for information regarding basic information on crystals in addition to more in depth information. The site also has free guides, a course, crystal uses, history, and more. Moreover, this website also gives information on crystals by variety such as the different varieties of quartz. Also, this resource discusses healing and physical properties of crystals as well. Check it out and see for yourself what they have to offer.

Hibiscus Moon This is my go-to resource If I really want to understand what crystals can do both metaphysically and scientifically. She also gives practical uses on crystals in addition to tips on crystal grids and so forth.  Further, she has eBooks, a certified crystal healer course, information on several different crystals, a YouTube channel. Moreover, she goes into detail on every aspect of any crystal besides how they can help with healing. Please check out her website for more details.

These are just three resources that I use for information regarding crystals. From the physical properties to the metaphysical. Also, another great resource for the geological information regarding crystals and minerals is  in addition to having information regarding crystals it has also information on other subjects such as maps. This resource is useful because it discusses the formation of crystals in addition to other aspects. Please check it out for more information.

Let me know in the comments what are your crystal resources? How do they help?

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Many Blessings!!

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