My current definition and views on magick.

Hi readers,

Over the past few days I have been talking with people about magic. These discussions pertained to different aspects of magic such as skills used within magic and how they can help spells manifest. Particularly, visualization was discussed in addition to more fundamental questions about magick. Inspired by a conversation I had earlier yesterday I felt it was important to give my current definition in addition to how I view magick.

Magick is both simple and complex to define for me. To me, magick is both an art and a craft. Magick as I define it as the manipulation of energy in accordance with ones will along with having a relationship with the forces of nature and the spirit world. Also, having a relationship with a deity from a specific pantheon If you choose to do so may be present to assist in the working. For myself, I have a working continuous relationship with both spirits and deity. This also includes ancestors either of blood relations or not. I find the most well-known definition of magick that people may be familiar was provided by Aleister Crowley. I find that I resonate with his definition as well as through my own experience include other aspects. Further, if you like to read one of his works, I found something that is supposed to be his. If I am wrong, you can always look up more information and please tell me If I am wrong about this. If you are interested in what I found, You Can Find It here Certain items may be used when working magick.  This might include using objects found within nature, crystals, herbs, candles, or just involve no objects being used at all. Magick takes many forms, and it varies from Which to Which and practitioner. I have used all the objects listed and I have used no objects to work a spell. In my view, it will all depend on the spell, intent, and the Witch. Everyone has unique strengths and weaknesses. What works for one person may not work for someone else. However, I can tell you for myself spirits are almost always involved in my practice in some form in addition to the deities I work with. I know people who are uncomfortable with the idea of involving themselves with spirits of any kind.  

Furthermore, I personally believe that magick is neutral. I believe it will depend on the person working the magick. When people talk to me about magick, they tend to ask If I practice black or white magick. My answer is I practice magick. I don’t believe that it is light/dark or anything of that nature. Magick can be used to harm or to heal and it is important to know how to do both. Balance is a key aspect of my practice.

People often ask me about cursing when I talk about magick, I have not performed a curse because I have not needed to at this point.  However, this does not mean I do not know how to perform a curse nor am I against doing so. Simply put If I needed to defend myself or for any reason needed to perform a curse, I will know what to do. Of course, I do feel like it is important to have experience doing something that people may perceive as dark or harmful. What I consider harmful might be viewed as such to someone else. In my view, I believe it is important to have experience and study aspects of magick like cursing as an example to understand it. Also, by studying and at some point, for myself experiencing in what ever form that takes, I am more prepared If someone for any reason chooses to perform something against me. This does not mean I am going to curse for the sake of having experiential knowledge, simply to be prepared for it. Further, I don’t think cursing is something to be taken lightly and other ways of dealing with the situation should be taken into consideration prior to considering a curse. I will dedicate a future post to this topic.

 Moreover, I believe magick can and should be used for personal gain. Does this make me selfish? Some may say so, but I believe that you can’t help everyone, and you certainly need to make sure you are taking care of yourself. Also, I believe that regardless of what you use magick for every consequence both foreseen and not should be taken into consideration when crafting and casting any spells. I believe we should take responsibility for what happens regardless of the results.

Lastly, in my opinion, casting spells without doing something in the physical will not get you anywhere. Magick needs physical action for your spell to manifest in my view.

These are just my views on the topic of magick. I would love to understand your perspective on magic. Do you believe magick is similar or different to how I describe it?

Do you have questions?

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Many Blessings!

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