Celebrating Mabon-Autumn Equinox in 2021.

Hi Readers,

During this past week, with the weather changing and as we head further into Autumn then soon into Winter, I would like to share my celebration of the Mabon also referred to as the Autumn Equinox. This year was quite different when I did my equinox ritual because I did it silently.

As many of you are aware, I could not speak for an entire week. During that week, I celebrated the equinox in silence. I performed a ritual reflecting not only on the autumn season, but reflection on the past several months for example looking for work, and healing. I meditated on various avenues, and I gave thanks for many of the blessings I received throughout the summer and spring seasons. Additionally, I learned a great deal through just silently reflecting and giving thanks. I reflected on what silence means for me along with what it means to go inward. I find that for me going inward is important during this time but also showing gratitude is important as well. I learned while not speaking during the ritual and I also cast a spell during this time as well. I did not chant, did not say an incantation, nor anything else I simply meditated, and raised energy in other ways like using my hands along with other objects that represented my goal. I spent time divining of what is to come for this season towards the end. I learned a lot about how important it is to keep balance in all aspects of life not just within our spiritual pursuits. Balance is key to all things in addition to giving thanks for what we have. I gave thanks for good health, for stability, for abundance not just in a monetary sense, but in other aspects, and I gave thanks for the coming darkness. I gave thanks for the coming darkness because darkness is a way for us to go inward, to reflect, to grow, and to emerge a more whole being. The light will eventually return is how I remember that as I venture inward for myself. Finally, I learned that being silent benefits us. Not speaking can allow us to truly listen not just to the people around us, but to the Deities, spirits, and to ourselves. Through being silent we can learn balance in learning when to be silent and when to speak up for ourselves and our communities.

For me, the autumn equinox reminds me to pause, give thanks, to remember balance, and to reflect.

How did you celebrate the autumn equinox? What did you feel you learned and what does this season mean for you?

I discuss more in the video below:

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Many Blessings!!

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